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The smooth newt: another freshwater invasive species for Australia
Smooth newt.
Herald sun

Smooth newt found in Melbourne:

When a single smooth newt was found in a pool of water at a Melbourne building site by a construction worker a few years ago, it was the first time an entirely new amphibian order has been recorded outside of captivity in Australia. Since then, the suburbs of Melbourne have become home to this dangerous new ecological invader.

The smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris), which belongs to the amphibian family of salamanders and newts, is native to large parts of Europe and to western Asia. Originally brought to Australia for the aquarium pet trade, it’s likely the newt found in Melbourne originates from escaped or released captive animals. Australia has no native salamanders

Smooth newts are not native to Australia and pose a risk to native species if they were to establish and breed. They have the potential to carry disease and predate on small native species.  They are classified as a Prohibited Pest Animal under the Victorian Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. The importation, keeping, breeding and trading of this species, without appropriate permits, is illegal and penalties apply.

A Smooth newt. Photo credit: Herald sun newspaper

A population of Smooth newts has been identified in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs. The specific source of the population remains unknown but the most likely source is via the illegal pet trade. The illegal keeping and trading of Smooth newts poses one of the greatest risks of the species establishing in Victoria. Escapees or deliberately released animals can be extremely difficult and costly to recover. In many cases once they are found in the wild eradication is extremely unlikely and the species ultimately becomes established.

Characteristics of Smooth newts:

Smooth newts are prolific breeders, they have a broad diet and can use a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. They are likely to compete for food and habitat with native frogs and fish, and are potentially carriers of chytrid fungus, which has decimated frog populations worldwide. Native predators including birds, snakes and fish are also at risk if they ingest the potentially deadly skin secretions produced by the smooth newt.

An assessment by the Australian Government identified the smooth newt as having a ‘moderate’ invasive species risk, and concluded that impacts on native plants and animals were uncertain. However, two years after the first detection, the former Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries decided not to take any control action. Despite the modest $300,000 estimated price tag, the department conservatively considered the feasibility of eradication as ‘low-moderate’.

Preventative course of action:

This decision caused concern among local scientists, who believed that a preventative course of action should be taken to avoid another cane toad disaster. For the Invasive Species Council, the poor decision-making represents fundamental flaws in Australia’s national biosecurity response systems and the low priority given to stopping invasive species that harm the environment.

However, with pro-bono assistance from ecological consultancy, Ecology Australia, the Invasive Species Council undertook surveys in the spring 2016 breeding season to determine if the smooth newt is persisting in Melbourne. Bait traps, dip netting, electrofishing and e-DNA analysis were used. So far, the newt has been found surviving around at least one of the previous sites and in a new nearby site.

This new data collected will help to trigger a rethink on eradicating the smooth newt from Melbourne before it has time to colonise other parts of Australia.

Find out more and report sightings:

You can read more about the smooth newt and report sightings on the Agriculture Victoria website.

This article was adapted from the Freshwater Fisher February Newsletter.

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