Interviews and presentations from the Native Fish Forum 2023
Over 100 people gathered in Dubbo during May 2023 to experience a showcase of the work of the native fish recovery strategy and share knowledge about the ongoing activities that support native fish recovery.
Welcome to the Forum.
The following videos comprise short interviews with each presenter at the Forum, or a summarised version of their talk, with the option to view each presentation in full.
What's next for the Native Fish Recovery Strategy?
Stuart Little explains the cumulative benefits of the Recovery Reach approach, why we need more, and how you might get one started.
Note: this is the full presentation.
A big thank you to our sponsors
Acknowledgement of funding: This project is funded by the Native Fish Recovery Strategy. The Native Fish Recovery Strategy is funded under the joint programs and coordinated by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The joint programs promote and coordinate effective planning, management and sharing of the water and other natural resources of the Murray-Darling Basin.