Silver perch
Other Names:
Black bream, Silver bream, Bidyan
Scientific Name:
Bidyanus bidyanus
Learn more about this fish species
Image photographer:
Gunther Schmida
Stories about 
Silver perch
Recent fish tagging in the Murray-Darling Basin
Recently, Ecology Australia was engaged to tag fish in the MDB to increase knowledge about fish movement and migration.
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The latest fish science from leading fish experts
CEWH webinar on native fish in Murray-Darling Basin informs 2024-25 water management.
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Attraction flow supporting native fish migration
UNSW research on fish migration in Murray-Darling Basin reveals fishway design impacts on native species.
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Australian made irrigation fish screens protect our native fish
Irrigation screens save fish and time, enhancing efficiency and protecting native species in Australian waterways.
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Comparing fish sampling tools: electrofishing vs the fyke net
MDB Fish Survey compares electrofishing & fyke nets in turbid waters to improve fish population data.
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An unregulated Ovens River is fish-full of wonder
The Ovens River's natural floods nurture diverse wildlife, sustaining a vital, unregulated ecosystem in Victoria's Murray-Darling Basin.
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