Murray cod
Other Names:
Cod, Goodoo
Scientific Name:
Maccullochella peelii
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Stories about 
Murray cod
Recent fish tagging in the Murray-Darling Basin
Recently, Ecology Australia was engaged to tag fish in the MDB to increase knowledge about fish movement and migration.
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Hope and hard work: updates from Menindee
After seeing so much devastation in the community, it is encouraging to see some of the recovery in action.
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Murray cod stocking project
Murray cod stocking in Australian rivers aids recovery and biodiversity, using advanced and fingerling fish with monitoring tags.
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Barriers to fish screen adoption
Fish screens protect river life and aid irrigators by preventing blockages and saving time and money.
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How have Australian fish changed over the past few decades?
MDB study shows some native fish numbers improve, but overall decline persists. Adaptive actions key for survival.
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A hook a day keeps the doctor away - New survey finds fishing contributes to wellbeing
Australia's love for fishing is vast; a survey shows 19.5% fish recreationally, impacted by events like COVID-19 and bushfires.
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