Golden perch
Other Names:
Yellowbelly, Callop, Murray perch
Scientific Name:
Macquaria ambigua ambigua
Learn more about this fish species
Image photographer:
Rudie Kuiter
Stories about 
Golden perch
Recent fish tagging in the Murray-Darling Basin
Recently, Ecology Australia was engaged to tag fish in the MDB to increase knowledge about fish movement and migration.
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Hope and hard work: updates from Menindee
After seeing so much devastation in the community, it is encouraging to see some of the recovery in action.
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Fish without borders with Brenton Zampatti
Discover the migratory marvels of Pouched Lamprey and Golden Perch in the Murray-Darling Basin, and the science enabling their conservation.
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The latest fish science from leading fish experts
CEWH webinar on native fish in Murray-Darling Basin informs 2024-25 water management.
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How have Australian fish changed over the past few decades?
MDB study shows some native fish numbers improve, but overall decline persists. Adaptive actions key for survival.
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Monitoring and managing fishways – what happens after construction?
Fishways at Koondrook & Cohuna weirs aid fish passage, but adjustments needed to curb juvenile Carp migration.
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