Hollands Creek Demonstration Reach
The Hollands Creek Demonstration Reach is nestled within the Tatong Valley in North East Victoria. The project supports the Regional River Health Strategy and Murray-Darling Basin Authority Native Fish Strategy and targets a range of primary assets within the Hollands Branch. This project focuses on protecting and expanding suitable habitat for Macquarie perch populations.

The high priority status and major asset of the Hollands Creek Demonstration Reach is the endangered Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica). Macquarie perch are listed as Endangered both nationally (under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) and at the State level (Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988). These dark-grey or bluish–grey fish have a rounded tail, large, white eyes, and prominent pores on the snout and are restricted to only a few remaining stream reaches within the catchment.

The program has seen a range of works being implemented, including fencing, revegetation, pest plant control, habitat creation, monitoring and community activities.  Detailed monitoring of key sites along the reach enables progress to be measured and demonstrates the effects and benefits of combined works.

This project, while using the Macquarie Perch as the project Icon will protect additional assets, including: Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) and rare wetlands and significant fauna including the Bluenose (Trout) cod, Crimson-spotted rainbow fish, Eastern Horseshoe bat, Golden perch, Mountain galaxias and Turquoise parrot.  Sections of Hollands Creek are also highly rated for social and recreational values (camping, swimming, walking).
Native Fish Forum 2023
Hear from Recovery Reach Coordinators and other native fish recovery experts.
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The Hollands Creek Tatong Native Fish Project Logo.
A map of all the Demonstration Reaches in the Murray-Darling Basin.

This project has incorporated a range of field events to increase community awareness and longer term participation in the project and advocacy for the local fish community and river health. Meetings and field days have been held to increase the awareness of the project and signage, developed with the community, has been installed at key public access points. The planned works program has continued, with some adjustments through post-flood periods. Interest has grown in visiting the Hollands Creek Demonstration Reach project by community groups involved in like plans and projects in neighbouring regions, also focussing on Macquarie perch (King Parrot Creek, Hughes Creek and Sevens Creek).

At the start of the project, a range of threats to the Hollands Creek was identified; fencing to reduce stock access to the creek is progressing & now only very few landholders still allow stock access. All photos: Goulburn Broken CMA
Demo Reach Stories: Holland Creek Demo Reach Community Reference Group President Kevin Smith records his stories from generations of his family on the Hollands Creek, as part of the recent MDBA Native Fish Strategy "Talking Fish" project
2012 MDBA Demonstration Reach workshop; demo reach practitioners from around the MD Basin visited a project site on a property owned by the President of the Holland Creek Demo Reach Community
Demonstration Reach workshop; demo reach practitioners from around the M-D Basin visited a project site on a property owned by the President of the Holland Creek Demo Reach Community Reference Group; Kevin Smith

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