Redfin perch
Other Names:
Redfin, English perch, European perch
Scientific Name:
Perca fluviatilis
Learn more about this fish species
Image photographer:
Gunther Schmida
Stories about 
Redfin perch
Redfin perch and the EHN virus
EHNV, a lethal fish virus in Australia, causes mass deaths in redfin perch and affects other species. Report cases to 1800 675 888.
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The wetlands of Lake Alexandrina: home to a unique population of Southern pygmy perch
Lake Alexandrina's unique ecology thrives with careful water management, ensuring survival of species like the Southern pygmy perch.
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Susceptibility of MDB native fish to Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (EHNV)
EHNV impacts native fish in MDB, with varied susceptibility across species; new blood test aids in disease management.
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Reckoning with Redfin
Redfin perch control in Australia: study on effective removal methods, behavior, and management strategies. Full report in link.
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