Northern river blackfish
Other Names:
River blackfish, Slippery, Slimy, Muddy, Greasy, Nikki long cod
Scientific Name:
Gadopsis marmorata (previously G. marmoratus)
Learn more about this fish species
Image photographer:
Luke Pearce
Stories about 
Northern river blackfish
‘Canary in the Condamine’ - How does the cold water specialist, River blackfish, survive in Queensland?
River blackfish in QLD's Condamine are 'canaries' signaling ecosystem health, facing threats from habitat changes and cattle impact.
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Australian made irrigation fish screens protect our native fish
Irrigation screens save fish and time, enhancing efficiency and protecting native species in Australian waterways.
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Queensland Killarney rescue to save rare fish and cray species
A rescue op saved rare Queensland fish from drought-affected Condamine River, ensuring species' survival.
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River Blackfish back in the King River
King River's fish habitat enhanced with boulders, log jams, and native flora, aiding species like Murray Cod.
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