Stories about 

Mid-Murray Floodplain Recovery Reach

Pygs are Flying! Southern Pygmy Perch Recovery in the Mid-Murray
SPP recovery in Mid-Murray shows promise with successful breeding and partnerships aiding conservation.
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“People making fish happen” - what makes fish recovery actions successful?
Discover the vital role of community in native fish recovery, from the Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon to the River blackfish.
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Searching for the Ghost Fish
The Ghost Fish, a critically endangered species, faces extinction in Australia's Murray-Darling Basin.
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Zombie Fish Hits a Purple Patch
Revival of the Zombie Fish: Successful breeding & release into secure wetlands for species recovery.
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Koondrook fishways proving to be popular for our native fish
Koondrook Weir fishways reconnect Gunbower Creek & Murray River, aiding fish migration & boosting recreational fishing.
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A new dawn for the zombie fish
The Southern Purple-Spotted Gudgeon, a native fish, is being revived in Victoria's Murray Corridor through a breeding program.
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