Macquarie perch
Other Names:
White eye, Mountain perch, Black bream
Scientific Name:
Macquaria australasica
Learn more about this fish species
Image photographer:
Tarmo A. Raadik
Stories about 
Macquarie perch
Being catastrophe ready: environmental and social change in the Basin
Climate change affects MDB's fish, causing crises. The 2024 Forum discusses readiness for future events, emphasizing social ties to water.
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How have Australian fish changed over the past few decades?
MDB study shows some native fish numbers improve, but overall decline persists. Adaptive actions key for survival.
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Maccas in the Macquarie River
Macquarie perch face extinction; efforts to revive populations show promise with habitat restoration and breeding advances.
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Monitoring and managing fishways – what happens after construction?
Fishways at Koondrook & Cohuna weirs aid fish passage, but adjustments needed to curb juvenile Carp migration.
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Redfin perch and the EHN virus
EHNV, a lethal fish virus in Australia, causes mass deaths in redfin perch and affects other species. Report cases to 1800 675 888.
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Trout and trout stocking: acknowledging the harm, finding the balance
Alien trout in Australia threaten native fish, with dire impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem health.
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