Lucy Stuart
is passionate about human interaction within the environment, engaging with stakeholders and supporting Indigenous cultural values.
Stories by 
Lucy Stuart
Tube fishways aiding fish migration
You've heard of rock ramps, vertical slots and pool-types, but what about tube fishways?
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Recent fish tagging in the Murray-Darling Basin
Recently, Ecology Australia was engaged to tag fish in the MDB to increase knowledge about fish movement and migration.
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Understanding Fish as Parasite Hosts: The Knowledge Gap in Australia's Freshwater Fish
An overview of our current understanding of parasite-host relationships in Australian freshwater fish.
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EOIs: Two-Eyed Seeing project NSW
DPI Fisheries are launching their “Two-Eyed Seeing” project, aimed at collaborating with NSW Aboriginal communities. Read on to participate!
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Carp virus updates
The NCCP research phase is the largest feasibility assessment of a biological control agent undertaken in Australia.
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Hope and hard work: updates from Menindee
After seeing so much devastation in the community, it is encouraging to see some of the recovery in action.
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Being catastrophe ready: environmental and social change in the Basin
Climate change affects MDB's fish, causing crises. The 2024 Forum discusses readiness for future events, emphasizing social ties to water.
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Saving our stockies
Stocky Galaxias, a rare fish, thrives post-bushfires thanks to dedicated conservation efforts.
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Fish without borders with Brenton Zampatti
Discover the migratory marvels of Pouched Lamprey and Golden Perch in the Murray-Darling Basin, and the science enabling their conservation.
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The latest fish science from leading fish experts
CEWH webinar on native fish in Murray-Darling Basin informs 2024-25 water management.
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“Reflect. Share. Collaborate.” - Native Fish Forum 2024
Native Fish Forum 2024: Reflect, share, and collaborate for fish recovery; workshops, Indigenous insights, and innovative solutions.
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The mystery of Australia's freshwater eels
Eels in Australia: vital to Indigenous culture, mysterious life cycle, diverse habitats, and unique spawning journey.
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Carp Gudgeons Galore!
Carp gudgeons, a diverse group in Australia's MDB, face identification challenges and genetic threats, with some species critically endanger
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Can we predict the future needs of fish and fisheries?
A study identifies key research areas for Australian fish and fisheries, highlighting the need for policy-informing data and management.
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Pygs are Flying! Southern Pygmy Perch Recovery in the Mid-Murray
SPP recovery in Mid-Murray shows promise with successful breeding and partnerships aiding conservation.
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Murray cod stocking project
Murray cod stocking in Australian rivers aids recovery and biodiversity, using advanced and fingerling fish with monitoring tags.
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Barriers to fish screen adoption
Fish screens protect river life and aid irrigators by preventing blockages and saving time and money.
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What should leadership look like in the Murray-Darling Basin?
MDB fish recovery: Challenges, leadership, and actions for native fish populations in Australia's vast river system.
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Gaining some mussels - New developments in Glenelg Freshwater Mussel breeding
Captive breeding of endangered Glenelg Freshwater Mussels is trialed to prevent extinction, using host fish in a conservation effort.
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How have Australian fish changed over the past few decades?
MDB study shows some native fish numbers improve, but overall decline persists. Adaptive actions key for survival.
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A hook a day keeps the doctor away - New survey finds fishing contributes to wellbeing
Australia's love for fishing is vast; a survey shows 19.5% fish recreationally, impacted by events like COVID-19 and bushfires.
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Maccas in the Macquarie River
Macquarie perch face extinction; efforts to revive populations show promise with habitat restoration and breeding advances.
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The plight of Southern Pygmy Perch and the local efforts for recovery
S. Pygmy Perch, once widespread, now clings to survival in NSW's few creeks, battling invasive species, drought, and habitat loss.
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Monitoring and managing fishways – what happens after construction?
Fishways at Koondrook & Cohuna weirs aid fish passage, but adjustments needed to curb juvenile Carp migration.
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“People making fish happen” - what makes fish recovery actions successful?
Discover the vital role of community in native fish recovery, from the Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon to the River blackfish.
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Redfin perch and the EHN virus
EHNV, a lethal fish virus in Australia, causes mass deaths in redfin perch and affects other species. Report cases to 1800 675 888.
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Trout and trout stocking: acknowledging the harm, finding the balance
Alien trout in Australia threaten native fish, with dire impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem health.
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Rare footage of small-bodied fish in the wild!
Discover the passion of a young videographer documenting native fish and aquatic life in Victoria's waterways.
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Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon making a return
The Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon's revival in Victoria shows promising ecosystem restoration efforts.
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What’s the go with the carp virus?
Carp virus in Australia: debate over release, ecological risks, and bureaucratic processes.
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Why don't we farm Tilapia in Australia?
Tilapia in Australia: Invasive species threatening native fish and ecosystems, illegal to own or move.
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How dredging impacts fish ecology
Dredging alters estuary terrain, impacting fish habitats and biodiversity, posing challenges for coastal management and urban planning.
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Why Don't We Eat Carp in Australia?
Carp, an invasive species in Australia, harm waterways but offer benefits like food and fertilizers when properly utilized.
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Fishy Villas: Fish Hotels Providing Habitat for Native Species
Fish hotels mimic habitats for native fish, aiding growth and offering refuge, especially for iconic Murray Cod in Australian rivers.
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Koondrook fishways proving to be popular for our native fish
Koondrook Weir fishways reconnect Gunbower Creek & Murray River, aiding fish migration & boosting recreational fishing.
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