Kate McKenna
is an environmental science student and very excited to be reading, writing and learning more about what is happening in the field. Kate was highly involved writing articles on Finterest until 2022.
Stories by 
Kate McKenna
What have the recent floods meant for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth?
Floods rejuvenate Murray River's ecosystem, balancing freshwater and marine life, raising debates on future water management.
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Attraction flow supporting native fish migration
UNSW research on fish migration in Murray-Darling Basin reveals fishway design impacts on native species.
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Continued impacts of the Black Summer bushfires on native fish and platypus
Bushfire impact on aquatic life: native fish suffer post-fire, platypus thrive, highlighting need for species-specific management.
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Microplastics in Australian freshwater fish
Microplastics harm ecosystems, impacting freshwater and marine life, with research and action needed to mitigate effects.
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Guide: Golden perch rehabilitation after a major fish kill
Golden perch in the Darling River face threats from fish kills, with research guiding rehabilitation efforts.
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To stock or not: the case for Barramundi
Barramundi, a versatile fish in Australia, adapts to both water types and undergoes sex change, crucial for ecosystem balance.
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New fishway at Toorale already supporting fish migration
Toorale Park: A fusion of culture, ecology, and innovative fishway design, enhancing river life and honoring ancient traditions.
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‘Canary in the Condamine’ - How does the cold water specialist, River blackfish, survive in Queensland?
River blackfish in QLD's Condamine are 'canaries' signaling ecosystem health, facing threats from habitat changes and cattle impact.
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Maccas in the Georges River found using eDNA
eDNA reveals Macquarie perch in Georges River, aiding conservation efforts and habitat rehabilitation.
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What’s lurking underneath? New Swamp Yabby species surfaces in the Murray-Darling Basin
Discover the Swamp Yabby, a new crayfish species in Australia's Murray-Darling Basin, vital for biodiversity and conservation efforts.
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Murray cod populations on the rise in Queensland
Murray cod, Australia's largest freshwater fish, thrives in Oakey Creek thanks to successful habitat restoration efforts.
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Are hatchery-bred Murray cod too bold for the wild?
Murray cod survival linked to 'boldness' and parasite interactions in wild vs. hatchery environments.
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From New Caledonia to the Barwon River: tracking migratory eels using satellites
Victoria's eels, vital to biodiversity and culture, face decline. Satellite tracking aids in understanding their long migratory journey.
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New Thomson River Fishway - enabling gold-mining history and native fish to come together
Thomson River's fishway aids native fish, preserving biodiversity and heritage in Victoria.
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Fish eyes tell an amazing story
US study on fish eye isotopes aids habitat, diet tracking for conservation.
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Australian made irrigation fish screens protect our native fish
Irrigation screens save fish and time, enhancing efficiency and protecting native species in Australian waterways.
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